The Sword - Iron Swan

The sword is Playing this saturday my birth town (Wuustwezel, Antwerp) !!!!!!!!!!!!
Line up Vendettastage
Bliksem 12U20 - 12U40
Rompeprop 13U00 - 13U30
Rocknroll Allstars 14U00 - 14U30
Birdflesh 15U00 - 15U30
Diablo Blvd 16U05 - 16U45
Macabre 17U45 - 18U30
Peter Pan Speedrock 19U10 - 19U55
The Sword 20U45 - 21U35
Tankard 22U45 - 23U45
Marduk 01U00 - 02U05


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